[Aghios Ioannis Panorama]
Visit the website of MYNEKO’s successor KOCECOLA for the latest.


Directed by Dr. Elena Kountouri, Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports, and

Prof. Michael F. Lane, University of Maryland Baltimore County


The Mycenaean Northeastern Kopaïs (MYNEKO) Test Program was an archaeological collaboration between Prof. Michael F. Lane of the University of Maryland Baltimore County (U.M.B.C.) and Dr. Elena Kountouri, Director of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports (ΥΠΠΟΑ), co-principal ex officio. The aim of the project was to join together and further the aims of the co-principals’ respective prior separate fieldwork programs, Dr. Kountouri’s of the nature and character of the Late Helladic (L.H.) drainage system in the northern Kopaic Basin (Kopaïs) and Dr. Lane’s of the evidence of a contemporary system of irrigated fields connected with the larger hydraulic mechanisms that are subject of his partner’s investigations. MYNEKO began in 2016 and continued through 2018, serving as a bridge from prior research to a more comprehensive landscape archaeology project after 2019.

[Bittner and Lane, 2016]


  1. Further investigation of the design and construction of the L.H. drainage and flood-control systems in the northeastern Kopaïs;
  2. Further ground-truthing of the nature and character of features discovered during the co-director Lane’s AROURA fieldwork (2010–2012) in the ancient polder around the L.H. fortress of Glas, which are hypothesized to constitute a contemporary system of irrigated agricultural fields;
  3. Refinement of the chronology of both the drainage and flood-control works and the features of the hypothetical field system both with cross-dating and artifact seriation and with radiometric analyses;
  4. Ascertainment of the relationship of the hydraulic works to hypothetical field system, including addressing questions previous investigators posed concerning water-regulating mechanisms within the polder around Glas;
  5. Carrying out preliminary subsurface exploration of the Aghia Marina Pyrghos settlement site, which has a major L.H. component and promises evidence of both the palace sector of the regional economy, as does Glas with its massive food stores, and of non-palace sectors, particularly through its relationship to the polder and surrounding agro-pastoral landscapes; and
  6. Conducting similar subsurface testing at the fortified L.H. site of Aghios Ioannis, in order to determine the sequence of inhabitation and ascertain its functional relationship with artificial drainage into the adjacent Spitia Sinkhole.
[Trench AMP-T1, 2016]


M.F. Lane (2023) "The Mycenaean Northeast Kopaïs Project: A Report from Ayia Marina Pyrgos," Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens 92(4), 587–643.

Annual Reports

MYNEKO 2016 Annual Report (PDF)

MYNEKO 2017 Annual Report (PDF)

MYNEKO 2018 Annual Report (PDF)

MYNEKO 2019 Study Season Report (PDF)

Archaeological Reconnaissance of Uninvestigated Remains of Agriculture (U.M.B.C. website)



Institute of Aegean Prehistory (New and Renewed Research Grants)

University of Maryland Baltimore County, Strategic Awards for Research Transitions (scientific dating)

U.S. National Science Foundation Archaeometry Award (scientific dating)

[Team, 2nd Session, 2016]

2016 Fieldwork Staff

Ms. Alicia Dissinger (University of Virginia), Dr. Leonidas Gouliotis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, N.K.U.A.), Mr. Matthew Jameson (Bryn Mawr College), Dr. Nikolaos Petrocheilos (ΥΠΠΟΑ), Dr. Laetitia Phialon (French School of Athens), and Dr. Konstantinos Theodoridis (archaeologist)

Team at dinner

2017 Fieldwork Staff

Ms. Elizabeth Eastlake (Gothenburg Museum), Dr. Kyle Jazwa (Monmouth College), Mr. Damian Koropeckyj (U.M.B.C.), Dr. Laetitia Phialon (French School of Athens), Dr. Efterpi Ralli (N.K.U.A.), and Dr. Konstantinos Theodoridis (TAP A.C. Archaeology)

2018 Fieldwork Staff

Mr. Andrew Gibson (U.M.B.C.), Theodoris Hadjitheodorou (A.I. surveyor), Dr. Kyle Jazwa (Duke Univeristy), Dr. Panaghiotis Karkanas (Wiener Laboratory, U.M.B.C.), Mr. Giorgos Katsoudas (A.I. conservator), Mr. Damian Koropeckyj (U.M.B.C., N.K.U.A.), Dr. Evi Margariti (EKETA, Cyprus), Ms. Virginia Moyer (U.M.B.C.), Ms. Irene Nolan (U.M.B.C.), Mr. Cory Palmer (Brandeis University), Dr. Laetitita Phialon (Fribourg University), Dr. Euterpi Ralli (N.K.U.A.), Ms. Vassiliki Savvatianou (A.I. surveyor), Ms. Allison Sullivan (University of Virginia), Dr. Kostas Theodoridis (TAP A.C. Archaeology), and Mr. Kostas Xenakis (A.I. drone photography)

2019 Study Season Staff

2019 crew

Mr. Luke Bieber Chaparro (U.M.B.C.), Ms. Ashley K. Williams (U.M.B.C.), Mr. Connor R. Cataldo (U.M.B.C.), Mr. Christopher L. Zale (U.M.B.C.)

[Aghios Ioannis, 2016]